Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"Don't Try to Be Cute"

On the TV, Sakai said so...
but...but...I am just cute... what should I do?
I can try to not be creative.
I can try to not be smart.
I can try to be a sheep.
BUTs (i.e. many but)... I don't know how to be "not cute."

anyway... helpful class... Cutie Survey: 8 out of 10 cuties

1. CP outline: good
2. Professional Responsibility: messy
3. Wills/Trusts outline: good

I am Getting the feeling. ( Roar )

He is right. My most serious problem is my outline doesn't match my answer structure. I am actually working on it. And yes, time management. Final Schedule: Working on it.

p.s. 1.5 more pounds

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