Monday, July 16, 2007

Just Woke Up

@ 11:00 am. I told myself I need to sleep in. My brain can't function if it's over heated.

If the studying is very powerful and effective. Then my brain got really tired after 10 hours study. ( hit 2 essays "perfectly" yesterday, even thought the model answer is not that model... hop hop hop)

Anyway, focus on the major topics. For the little things- make up rules. I really can't get distracted.

MBE and PT.

Feel very powerful now. Hope you 2. Roar. I am going to get a super big cheese burger and fries and milk shake and then a whole day study.



Anonymous said...


Your post is hilarious! I am not feeling as powerful as you are.

I am sicked and tired of this bulls*.


Annie said...

have some ice cream... you will feel powerful