Friday, June 22, 2007

Civil Pro makes me nervous

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." ~Albert Einstein

So far, I believe civil pro is the one really gets on my nerve. The CMR and in class note are giant. I can hardly swallow in any material. I checked some Civil Pro essay questions. It's not as detailed as what the teacher went through.

Anyway, we have class tomorrow @ 9:00 am. I really doubt whether I can wake up or not. However, it's CA civil pro. I don't have guts to skip this class. ( At least, he is funny, thanks God!)

All work and no play make me a dumb fattie. God, I need a sign. ( I am not a Christian. will he help me?)


biff said...

Ah...Saturday class. Good luck.

Annie said...

If I miss it, I will need your note. @_@