Saturday, June 23, 2007


The CA civil pro lecture is really good if you have sleeping disorder problem. It will be too good if you don't have any sleeping problem. I got a venti latte. It didn't help at all. Most of the time, I just tried to drop down words he said. Obviously, he was tired too. I can even feel it from the TV screen.

But something is inspiring. " One Document Doctrine."


Don't worry! It's not a civil pro doctrine. ( I know you can stil make up something even though you have never heard it in your life.) It's just a way to prepare the exam. Yes, you want eveything you need in one document.

Anyway, this will be a fun civil pro weekend.

I already saw a lot of cute "sis" walking on the street. Here, I hope they will have a great time today and tomorrow. I will study hard. I am not sure whether I have mood for a happy happy event anymore. Civil Pro must be done.

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